The gene results are in!

I’d be lying if I said that the results of my gene tests had been on my mind for the last few months. Getting through chemo has taken all my focus. However as the day loomed closer it became all consuming. I googled all 4 genes and what the implications were including how many body parts I would have to have removed and obviously my key concern how and when the children would be tested and any implications for them.

Two of the genes Brca1 and Brca2 are very much linked to breast cancer and ovarian cancer. The other two genes were more to do with cancer in younger people for which I was being tested because of Sam and Becky. 

There’s nothing like an afternoon call for test results is there! Distraction techniques worked for most of the morning before I started twitching and by 1.01pm (one minute late) when the consultant hadn’t rung I was like a coiled spring.

And it was worth waiting for! Dr Tom (now new BFF as he delivered the amazing news) told me that the four gene mutations they screened me for, I don’t have! I repeat I don’t have!! I’m now an hour on and still have tears streaming down my face of pure relief plus it’s catapulted me into my luck is changing mode. Pure amazing unadulterated happiness.

So the upshot of all this is firstly and most importantly I haven’t got dodgy genes that I can pass onto my kids. They won’t have to be tested, have preventative surgeries and can for once just deal with normal shit that kids have to.

Secondly I won’t have to undergo a bilateral saplingo-oophorectomy (who makes these names up), basically removal of ovaries and fallopian tubes. 

And finally and we all know it ..... they won’t be removing my other breast. So yes I will forever be known as wonky baps pips. 


  1. What a roller coaster of emotions ... not helpful emotionally ... great results ... thrilled for you on this outcome you as a family deserve this ... hugest hugs see you soooonnn ❤️šŸ™❤️


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