What’s the point of one boob!

In May I need to have a mastectomy. The margins when they did the lumpectomy weren’t good enough and this is the recommended next step after I have had chemo. Genealogy is yet to come back so a double mastectomy is currently not on the cards.

So what choices do I have? 

Reconstruction is available. I can take flesh from another part of my body and use that, the 4 areas being my back, my thigh or two different areas of my stomach. Great I guess if you want a tummy tuck but chemo hasn’t left me much spare.  I’m not sure making a boob out of another part of my body appeals, I don’t see the point of wrecking another part of my body. Plus I’ve spoken to someone who has and they now have pain problems in their leg where they had it taken from. I’m all for minimising pain and further issues after all this.

The second reconstruction option is a fillet which equally doesn’t appeal but I can’t have this anyway. Becky always said to me do not put anything into your body for the purpose of cosmetic surgery that is not meant to be there. As a vet she was very qualified to advise me on this. This has stuck with me and after talking to people who have had them fillets do bring their problems.

Plus I don’t want to reconstruct on an area I want to keep an eye on, something that I will always be nervous about. It didn’t surprise me to hear that only 40% of women have some reconstruction.

So I’ve decided on no reconstruction which leaves me with no boob and one enormous G boob, two very extreme ends of the scale! But what do you do with one boob? What is the advantage of one? I really can’t think of one, it’s just totally odd. But for some reason the NHS will do a mastectomy and a difficult reconstruction which is 8-12 hours of surgery but won’t just lop them both off, less than 4 hours surgery unless you have a compelling argument.

I knew all this before my chat with my surgical consultation today so had formulated a good case for removing both, on psychological as well as physical reasons:-

1. One big G boob and no boob on the other side was surely going to leave me physically wonky and perhaps even make me go round in circles!

2. If one boob is gone now my boobs are not what they used to be, lying in bed they won’t have each other to prop up

3. It is very hard to find bras for two size G boobs let alone one!

4. I’m always going to be nervous regardless of the genealogy results that I will get cancer in my second boob.

5. But mainly just why?! Why would you want just one. No one is ever going to say ‘Nice Breast’ It serves no function to me now either. It will be like having a verucas a growth I don’t want. Very needy, requiring constant daily attention to try and balance up.

6. After all I have been through I need to put it all behind me and the best way to do this would be to eliminate all potential worry.

Obviously all the above  combined with a lot more stats, examples of people I had spoken to and psychological arguments made up my presentation to my consultant this morning.

And the outcome was I am not allowed a double mastectomy unless I come back with a bad gene. Further down the line when I have had time to reflect they may take the other one off if I have good reasons as to why and by which time I will have had time to live with my one boob. However I do have another option to which I have agreed and that is to have a reduction in my other boob. I can’t ask for what cup size I want but I can request a smaller large boob or a small boob.  So I’m going to try out a small boob and then I will be able to wear things I’ve never worn before plus  I’m guessing they’ll make it more pert! Its  a while since my boobs have been where they are meant to be, so that will be great. Who knows I might even grow to like my new boob and keep it! 

So second week of may I am pencilled in to lose over half a stone of body weight. Not a diet I would recommend but nonetheless a quick win!


  1. Dearest Pippa ... what a roller coaster ... what an amazin load of hurdles for you ... bless you love your positiveness ... biggest hug ❤️🙏❤️

  2. You never cease to amaze me ❤️❤️❤️. Love you lots xx

  3. Such frustration when your arguments for both being removed make perfect sense! 🤷 I guess, like you say, a small boob will be if nothing novel and possibly pert! The vision of you wandering round in circles did make me smile though 🙈 stay strong Pippa, much love. Lisa xx

    1. I know frustrating but I guess at least I get a small pert one. Lots of love ❤️

  4. Same dilemma here 9 years ago!! I ended up paying to have the second one done, and I couldn't be happier. The new small pair were way more "youthful" and I can wear SO MANY things I couldn't before - especially blazers and jackets, which I love. Also much less backache and slouching, it's quite a revelation. Plus I can run without all the bouncing. I would say go for it, girl and get a fresh pair for a fresh start - say no to inserts and get a lovely padded bra for when you want to wear a posh frock. Be good to yourself, stay positive and keep booze for the occasional treat xxx

    1. That’s great to hear thanks and yes booze is a thing of the past xxx

  5. It does seem so very unfair & that you should be allowed to make the choice, after all it’s your body! But a smaller boob brilliant & endless new styles possible 🙏❤️. Keep up the fight & positivity Love Rachel x

  6. Pippa, WELL PUT! I totally agree. As a one boober, I really wish that had been an option. I would do it now, if I was able! It puts your body out of line, and can cause shoulder pain, back pain and even knee issues. Good luck with your surgery (though I am sure you won't need it, you will be bobbing (sic) out within a day and back to life! Love Ali Thorpe, an old colleague (as in a while ago, rather than any reflection on my actual age ;-) )

    1. Laughing at my profile name! Didnt even know I had created that and certainly not much of a runner these days!! LOL

    2. Ali so great to hear from you. I hope you are well. Thanks for the insight as a one boober xxx

  7. Dear Pippa you have told us this with good information but also added humour to a very challenging situation...it seems very unreasonable that you don’t have a choice it’s your body and it should be you making the decisions not a budget it is so personal ...really feel for you thinking of you often 🤗 xxx


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