Covid, Chemo & Christmas

Have you ever played Bubble shooter? I’ve literally been dodging covid bullets for the last 3 weeks. The bullets have been firing off and the protective layers below me have been falling away. But with three days to go I haven’t got the bullet myself! I’m now on the extremely clinically vulnerable list putting me into a heightened group that are more susceptible. Chemotherapy whilst killing the cancer cells can’t identify the good cells and manages to wipe out them as well. If you’ve ever wondered why chemo is given with sometimes 3 week breaks this is because your white cells, platelets etc need to have the time to recover in between. This makes you very vulnerable for a period of time. Now is not the time to have a dodgy thermometer. At least once a day you have to to check and obviously if you are concerned more often. A temperature of 37.5c and you have to spend the night in hospital being monitored, IV antibiotics etc. When Sam had treatment he was going to school when he was...