Light at the end of the tunnel
Fate played its hand immediately and before I knew it I was under a new consultant at Clatterbridge through a contact of ours. Why? Because he’s the world leading expert in metastatic cancer that has spread to the brain! I was give. 5 days of radiotherapy to the head immediately. Ok so as the picture shows it’s not the nicest experience nailed to the bed in a mask which is moulded to your face! But when I was lying there all that went through my head was that I was doing it for the family and the light from the machine felt a bit like a light from heaven. One week off after radiotherapy and chemotherapy started. So the initial palliative drug I was going to be out on by the other consultant was scrapped and I started carbo gemocide which is a harder and more effective treatment.Both the radiotherapy and chemotherapy shrink the tumours and I’ve managed to reduce the twelve steroids I was on to 1!which is a sure sign things are working! So I’ve got 18 weeks of this drug and then as ...