Ding a ling ling!!!!

Im sitting in chemo today for my 16th and final chemo. After 20 weeks I’d finally made it to the end of what has been a complete rollercoaster. I’ve lost my hair, eyebrows, eyelashes, nails and feeling in my back and face, all of which should hopefully come back! I’ve felt sick, ached, had shooting pains, hot flushes, chills, infections, ulcers, indigestion, skin rashes, headaches., extreme exhaustion, weeping eyes. But every week when I have been in Clatterbridge, despite not being allowed my family with me, I have had the amazing support of the chemo nurses. Ive been scared at times particularly with the first infusions and vulnerable and the nurses have made it all so much easier. Chemo is all about endurance. It’s about gaining enough strength physically and more importantly mentally to cope with the next one. Without the support of the nurses, family and friends you just couldn’t do it. So here I am feeling like I want to shout at the top of my voice ‘last one’ but also very ...